Darcy Humberto Gómez Born October 22, 1958 in Puerto Montt, Chile, the old 11aos dominated the artistic drawing Technique, through the watercolor later move on applying t read techniques of "grasso over lean." * 1976 he joined the "Association of Painters plastic" of Chile, was elected on the "1 Regional Congress of Painting" as one of the top 6 artists from the region. * 1984 obtained the title of Master of Fine Arts, specializing in Renaissance style and perfecting classical and modern. * 1986 otuvo "1Premio Valdivia and Rio" in National Painting Competition, in Valdivia, Chile. Sacred Murals * 2000 (9.25 x 6.40 meters) in the nave of Christ Parish Worker Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina .- * 2001 1 Workshop creates the Renaissance Art in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina, performing with her students in various group exhibitions cities .- - Mural Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1.90 x 1.50 meters) in Hosptal Comodoro Rivadavia Regional ..- * 2002 and 2003 Exhibitions in Comodoro Rivadavia, Rawson, Caleta Olivia, Chubut. * 2007 Individual Exhibition in Buenos Aires .-